Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeMissingException
net.walend.digraph This package contains a kit for working with directed graphs. 
net.walend.digraph.path This package contains a kit for working with paths on directed graphs. 
net.walend.measured This package contains a kit for working with measured paths on directed graphs. 
net.walend.measured.test This package contains a kit for testing measuring paths. 

Uses of NodeMissingException in net.walend.digraph

Methods in net.walend.digraph that throw NodeMissingException
 java.lang.Object MutableCEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Return null if no existing edge is displaced by edge.
 Bag MutableCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the Bag of orphaned edges that are removed with node
 java.lang.Object MutableCEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return the edge that connected fromNode to toNode, or null if no edge existed.
 java.lang.Object MutableMatrixUEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
 java.util.Set MutableMatrixUEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 java.lang.Object MutableMatrixUEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean AbstractHashGEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int AbstractHashGEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractHashGEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractHashGEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractHashGEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
protected  boolean AbstractHashGEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when this edge is added, false if the digraph is unchanged.
protected  int AbstractHashGEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the number of orphaned edges that were lost when this node is removed.
protected  boolean AbstractHashGEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when the edge is removed, false if the digraph didn't have an edge between these two nodes.
 boolean AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 int AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getNodeIndex(java.lang.Object node)
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Return null if no existing edge is displaced by edge.
protected  Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the Set of orphaned edges that are removed with node
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return the edge that connected fromNode to toNode, or null if no edge existed.
 java.lang.Object MutableUEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Return null if no existing edge is displaced by edge.
 java.util.Set MutableUEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the Set of orphaned edges that are removed with node
 java.lang.Object MutableUEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return the edge that connected fromNode to toNode, or null if no edge existed.
 java.lang.Object MutableLMCEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
 Bag MutableLMCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 java.lang.Object MutableLMCEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean Digraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 int Digraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int Digraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set Digraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set Digraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 boolean AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
protected  java.util.Set AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractMatrixUEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean AbstractHashCEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractHashCEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractHashCEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractHashCEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object AbstractHashCEDigraph.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 java.util.Set AbstractHashCEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractHashCEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractHashCEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Return null if no existing edge is displaced by edge.
protected  Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the Bag of orphaned edges that are removed with node
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractHashCEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return the edge that connected fromNode to toNode, or null if no edge existed.
 boolean CEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 Bag CEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag CEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object CEDigraph.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractHashUEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean AbstractHashUEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractHashUEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractHashUEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractHashUEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 java.util.Set AbstractHashUEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object AbstractHashUEDigraph.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 java.util.Set AbstractHashUEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractHashUEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractHashUEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
protected  java.util.Set AbstractHashUEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractHashUEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean MutableMatrixGEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int MutableMatrixGEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 boolean MutableMatrixGEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean MutableHashGEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int MutableHashGEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 boolean MutableHashGEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int IndexedDigraph.getNodeIndex(java.lang.Object node)
 boolean UEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 java.util.Set UEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 java.util.Set UEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object UEDigraph.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 boolean MutableGEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when this edge is added, false if the digraph is unchanged.
 int MutableGEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the number of orphaned edges that were lost when this node is removed.
 boolean MutableGEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when the edge is removed, false if the digraph didn't have an edge between these two nodes.
 boolean AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode.
 int AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 int AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.getNodeIndex(java.lang.Object node)
protected  boolean AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when this edge is added, false if the digraph is unchanged.
protected  int AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the number of orphaned edges that were lost when this node is removed.
protected  boolean AbstractMatrixGEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when the edge is removed, false if the digraph didn't have an edge between these two nodes.
 boolean MutableLMGEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int MutableLMGEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 boolean MutableLMGEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 java.lang.Object MutableMatrixCEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
 Bag MutableMatrixCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 java.lang.Object MutableMatrixCEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 java.lang.Object MutableHashCEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
 Bag MutableHashCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 java.lang.Object MutableHashCEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 java.lang.Object MutableHashUEDigraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
 java.util.Set MutableHashUEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 java.lang.Object MutableHashUEDigraph.removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)

Uses of NodeMissingException in net.walend.digraph.path

Methods in net.walend.digraph.path that throw NodeMissingException
 CEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
protected  AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.Edge AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.Edge edge)
          If no existing edge is displaced by edge.
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getNodeIndex(java.lang.Object node)
 boolean AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
private  CEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getSubpath(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
 CEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 boolean AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
private  void AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.checkNode(java.lang.Object node)
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 GEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
protected  AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.Edge AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.Edge edge)
          If no existing edge is displaced by edge.
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getNodeIndex(java.lang.Object node)
 boolean AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
private  GEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.getSubpath(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
 GEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 boolean AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
private  void AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.checkNode(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 boolean AbstractListCEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractListCEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractListCEPath.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 int AbstractListCEPath.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 Bag AbstractListCEPath.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 Bag AbstractListCEPath.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 java.lang.Object AbstractListCEPath.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode.
 java.util.Set AbstractListCEPath.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractListCEPath.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
private  void AbstractListCEPath.checkSubpathIndices(int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex, java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
 CEPath AbstractListCEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath AbstractListCEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath AbstractListCEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath AbstractListCEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
protected  void AbstractListCEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
protected  void AbstractListCEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object edge)
          Adds a node and edge to the beginning of the path.
protected  void AbstractListCEPath.graftToTail(CEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
protected  void AbstractListCEPath.graftToHead(CEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.splice(CEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.spliceFirst(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.spliceLast(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.spliceFirstToLast(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
protected  CEPath AbstractListCEPath.spliceLastToFirst(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 void MutableCEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
 void MutableCEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the beginning of the path.
 void MutableCEPath.graftToHead(CEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 void MutableCEPath.graftToTail(CEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.splice(CEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.spliceFirst(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.spliceLast(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.spliceFirstToLast(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 CEPath MutableCEPath.spliceLastToFirst(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
static void UEPathAlgebra.checkValid(UEPath path, UEDigraph digraph)
          Check that the path is valid on digraph.
 CEPath DigraphOfCEPaths.getPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 GEPath DigraphOfGEPaths.getPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 GEPath GEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath GEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath GEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath GEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
static void GEPathAlgebra.checkValid(GEPath path, GEDigraph digraph)
          Check that the path is valid on digraph.
 void MutableListGEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
 void MutableListGEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object node)
          Adds a node and edge to the beginning of the path.
 void MutableListGEPath.graftToTail(GEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
 void MutableListGEPath.graftToHead(GEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.splice(GEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.spliceFirst(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.spliceLast(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.spliceFirstToLast(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 GEPath MutableListGEPath.spliceLastToFirst(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 boolean AbstractListGEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractListGEPath.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 int AbstractListGEPath.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 java.util.Set AbstractListGEPath.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractListGEPath.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
private  void AbstractListGEPath.checkSubpathIndices(int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex, java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
protected  void AbstractListGEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
protected  void AbstractListGEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object node)
          Adds a node and edge to the beginning of the path.
protected  void AbstractListGEPath.graftToTail(GEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
protected  void AbstractListGEPath.graftToHead(GEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 GEPath AbstractListGEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
protected  GEPath AbstractListGEPath.splice(GEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
protected  GEPath AbstractListGEPath.spliceFirst(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
protected  GEPath AbstractListGEPath.spliceLast(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
protected  GEPath AbstractListGEPath.spliceFirstToLast(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
protected  GEPath AbstractListGEPath.spliceLastToFirst(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 void MutableGEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and a node to the end of the path.
 void MutableGEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the beginning of the path.
 void MutableGEPath.graftToHead(GEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 void MutableGEPath.graftToTail(GEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.splice(GEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.spliceFirst(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.spliceLast(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.spliceFirstToLast(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 GEPath MutableGEPath.spliceLastToFirst(GEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 UEPath UEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 UEPath UEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 UEPath UEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 UEPath UEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath CEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath CEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath CEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath CEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath MutableDigraphOfCEPaths.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, CEPath edge)
          If no existing edge is displaced by edge.
 void MutableListUEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
 void MutableListUEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object edge)
          Adds a node and edge to the beginning of the path.
 void MutableListUEPath.graftToTail(UEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
 void MutableListUEPath.graftToHead(UEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.splice(UEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.spliceFirst(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.spliceLast(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.spliceFirstToLast(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 UEPath MutableListUEPath.spliceLastToFirst(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
static void CEPathAlgebra.checkValid(CEPath path, CEDigraph digraph)
          Check that the path is valid on digraph.
 GEPath MutableDigraphOfGEPaths.addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, GEPath edge)
          If no existing edge is displaced by edge.
 void MutableListCEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
 void MutableListCEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object edge)
          Adds a node and edge to the beginning of the path.
 void MutableListCEPath.graftToTail(CEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
 void MutableListCEPath.graftToHead(CEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.splice(CEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.spliceFirst(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.spliceLast(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.spliceFirstToLast(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 CEPath MutableListCEPath.spliceLastToFirst(CEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 boolean AbstractListUEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 boolean AbstractListUEPath.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 int AbstractListUEPath.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 int AbstractListUEPath.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 java.util.Set AbstractListUEPath.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 java.util.Set AbstractListUEPath.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 java.lang.Object AbstractListUEPath.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode.
 java.util.Set AbstractListUEPath.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set AbstractListUEPath.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
private  void AbstractListUEPath.checkSubpathIndices(int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex, java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
protected  void AbstractListUEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
protected  void AbstractListUEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object node, java.lang.Object edge)
          Adds a node and edge to the beginning of the path.
protected  void AbstractListUEPath.graftToTail(UEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
protected  void AbstractListUEPath.graftToHead(UEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 UEPath AbstractListUEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
protected  UEPath AbstractListUEPath.splice(UEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
protected  UEPath AbstractListUEPath.spliceFirst(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
protected  UEPath AbstractListUEPath.spliceLast(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
protected  UEPath AbstractListUEPath.spliceFirstToLast(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
protected  UEPath AbstractListUEPath.spliceLastToFirst(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 void MutableUEPath.addToTail(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the end of the path.
 void MutableUEPath.addToHead(java.lang.Object edge, java.lang.Object node)
          Adds an edge and node to the beginning of the path.
 void MutableUEPath.graftToHead(UEPath path)
          Adds a path to the beginning of this path.
 void MutableUEPath.graftToTail(UEPath path)
          Adds a path to the end of this path.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.pruneTailFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the first occurance of node to the tail.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.pruneTailFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the last occurance of node to the tail.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.pruneHeadFromFirst(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the first occurance of node.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.pruneHeadFromLast(java.lang.Object node)
          Removes from the head to the last occurance of node.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.splice(UEPath path, int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Splices in path between the startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.spliceFirst(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.spliceLast(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.spliceFirstToLast(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the first occurence of path's head and the last occurence of path's tail.
 UEPath MutableUEPath.spliceLastToFirst(UEPath path)
          Splices in path between the last occurence of path's head and the first occurence of path's tail.

Constructors in net.walend.digraph.path that throw NodeMissingException
AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.PathEdgeIterator(java.lang.Object headNode, java.lang.Object tailNode)
AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.PathNodeIterator(java.lang.Object headNode, java.lang.Object tailNode)
AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.PathEdgeNodeIterator(java.lang.Object headNode, java.lang.Object tailNode)
AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.DigraphGEPath.PathNodeIterator(java.lang.Object headNode, java.lang.Object tailNode)

Uses of NodeMissingException in net.walend.digraph.path.test

Methods in net.walend.digraph.path.test that throw NodeMissingException
 void GEPathTest.testQueriesOnOneNodePath()
 void CEPathTest.testQueriesOnOneNodePath()
static void TestUEPathFactory.fillTestPath(MutableUEPath path)
          Fills in the path with net.walend.digraph.path.ListUEPath {(A)-ab-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)} through digraph net.walend.digraph.HashUEDigraph nodes {G,C,A,B,D,E,F} edges {(B,C,bc),(F,C,ab),(D,E,de),(C,D,cd),(E,F,ef),(E,B,eb),(A,B,ab)}
static void TestUEPathFactory.fillCyclicTestPath(MutableUEPath path)
          Fills in the path with net.walend.digraph.path.ListUEPath {(A)-ab-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)-de-(E)-eb-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)-de-(E)-ef-(F)} through digraph net.walend.digraph.HashUEDigraph nodes {G,C,A,B,D,E,F} edges {(B,C,bc),(F,C,ab),(D,E,de),(C,D,cd),(E,F,ef),(E,B,eb),(A,B,ab)}
static void TestGEPathFactory.fillTestPath(MutableGEPath path)
          Fills in the path with net.walend.digraph.path.ListGEPath {(A)-ab-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)} through digraph net.walend.digraph.HashGEDigraph nodes {G,C,A,B,D,E,F} edges {(B,C,bc),(F,C,ab),(D,E,de),(C,D,cd),(E,F,ef),(E,B,eb),(A,B,ab)}
static void TestGEPathFactory.fillCyclicTestPath(MutableGEPath path)
          Fills in the path with net.walend.digraph.path.ListGEPath {(A)-ab-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)-de-(E)-eb-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)-de-(E)-ef-(F)} through digraph net.walend.digraph.HashGEDigraph nodes {G,C,A,B,D,E,F} edges {(B,C,bc),(F,C,ab),(D,E,de),(C,D,cd),(E,F,ef),(E,B,eb),(A,B,ab)}
 void MutableListUEPathTest.testConstructors()
 void MutableUEPathTest.testAddToTail()
 void MutableUEPathTest.testAddToHead()
 void MutableListGEPathTest.testConstructors()
 void MutableListCEPathTest.testConstructors()
 void MutableGEPathTest.testAddToTail()
 void MutableGEPathTest.testAddToHead()
 void MutableCEPathTest.testAddToTail()
 void MutableCEPathTest.testAddToHead()
 void ListUEPathTest.testConstructors()
 void UEPathTest.testQueriesOnOneNodePath()
 void ListGEPathTest.testConstructors()
static void TestCEPathFactory.fillTestPath(MutableCEPath path)
          Fills in the path with net.walend.digraph.path.ListCEPath {(A)-ab-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)} through digraph net.walend.digraph.HashCEDigraph nodes {G,C,A,B,D,E,F} edges {(B,C,bc),(F,C,ab),(D,E,de),(C,D,cd),(E,F,ef),(E,B,eb),(A,B,ab)}
static void TestCEPathFactory.fillCyclicTestPath(MutableCEPath path)
          Fills in the path with net.walend.digraph.path.ListCEPath {(A)-ab-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)-de-(E)-eb-(B)-bc-(C)-cd-(D)-de-(E)-ef-(F)} through digraph net.walend.digraph.HashCEDigraph nodes {G,C,A,B,D,E,F} edges {(B,C,bc),(F,C,ab),(D,E,de),(C,D,cd),(E,F,ef),(E,B,eb),(A,B,ab)}
 void ListCEPathTest.testConstructors()

Uses of NodeMissingException in net.walend.measured

Methods in net.walend.measured that throw NodeMissingException
 CEPath AbstractShortestCEPaths.getPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 MeasuredCEPath AbstractShortestCEPaths.getShortestPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int AbstractShortestCEPaths.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int ShortestCEDistances.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int ShortestGEDistances.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean GEBellmanFordTest.BFGEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 int GEBellmanFordTest.BFGEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int GEBellmanFordTest.BFGEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set GEBellmanFordTest.BFGEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set GEBellmanFordTest.BFGEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 int GEBellmanFordTest.BFGEDigraph.getNodeIndex(java.lang.Object node)
 MeasuredGEPath ShortestGEPaths.getShortestPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int ShortestGEPaths.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 CEPath CEPathsFromShortestDistances.getPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 MeasuredCEPath CEPathsFromShortestDistances.getShortestPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int CEPathsFromShortestDistances.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, java.lang.Object edge)
          Returns true if edge links fromNode to toNode
 Bag CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 java.lang.Object CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns null if no edge links fromNode to toNode
 boolean CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 int CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 java.util.Set CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 int CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getNodeIndex(java.lang.Object node)
 MeasuredCEPath ShortestCEPaths.getShortestPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int AbstractShortestCEDistances.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 GEPath AbstractShortestGEPaths.getPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 MeasuredGEPath AbstractShortestGEPaths.getShortestPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int AbstractShortestGEPaths.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 int AbstractShortestGEDistances.getLength(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)

Uses of NodeMissingException in net.walend.measured.test

Methods in net.walend.measured.test that throw NodeMissingException
 void GEPathTraverserTest.testOnOneNodePath()
 void PathTraverserTest.testOnOneNodePath()

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend