Interface Summary | |
CEDigraph | CEDigraph is an interface for representing directed graphs of nodes linked by zero or one edge. |
Digraph | Digraph is a superinterface for representing directed graphs. |
EdgeIterator | EdgeIterator extends EdgeNodeIterator by adding a method to get the current edge. |
EdgeNodeIterator | EdgeNodeIterator is a special iterator that iterates accross the pairs of nodes that make edges in a digraph. |
GEDigraph | GEDigraph is an interface for representing directed graphs of nodes linked by zero or one edge. |
IndexedCEDigraph | CEDigraph methods that use indices. |
IndexedDigraph | IndexedDigraph adds index methods to a Digraph. |
IndexedEdgeIterator | An EdgeIterator with methods to get indicies. |
IndexedEdgeNodeIterator | An EdgeNodeIterator with methods to get indicies. |
IndexedGEDigraph | GEDigraph methods that use indices. |
IndexedMutableCEDigraph | Indexed mutators |
IndexedMutableGEDigraph | Indexed mutators |
MutableCEDigraph | MutableCEDigraph adds mutators to the CEDigraph interface so that a developer can add and remove edges and nodes. |
MutableGEDigraph | MutableGEDigraph adds mutators to the GEDigraph interface so that a developer can add and remove edges and nodes. |
MutableUEDigraph | MutableUEDigraph adds mutators to the UEDigraph interface so that a developer can add and remove edges and nodes. |
UEDigraph | UEDigraph is an interface for representing directed graphs of nodes linked by zero or one edge. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractHashCEDigraph | This abstract class implements the CEDigraph interface using a Map and a Set. |
AbstractHashGEDigraph | This abstract class implements the GEDigraph interface using two HashSets. |
AbstractHashUEDigraph | This abstract class implements the UEDigraph interface using three HashMaps. |
AbstractLMCEDigraph | An extension of AbstractMatrixCEDigraph that keeps an additional int[][] that shows what nodes can be reached from what other nodes. |
AbstractLMGEDigraph | An extension of AbstractMatrixGEDigraph that keeps an additional int[][] that shows what nodes can be reached from what other nodes. |
AbstractMatrixCEDigraph | This abstract class implements the CEDigraph interface using a Map and a Set. |
AbstractMatrixGEDigraph | A GEDigraph backed by an ArrayList of nodes and a boolean[][] matrix that stores edges. |
AbstractMatrixUEDigraph | This abstract class implements the UEDigraph interface using a List and a Grid. |
CEDigraphAlgebra | Algebra for CEDigraph Operations. |
GEDigraphAlgebra | Algebra for GEDigraph Operations. |
HashCEDigraph | This class implements the CEDigraph interface using a Map and a Set. |
HashGEDigraph | This class implements the GEDigraph interface using two HashMaps. |
HashUEDigraph | This class implements the UEDigraph interface using three HashMaps. |
ImmutableEdgeIterator | This class is an EdgeIterator for Immutables. |
ImmutableEdgeNodeIterator | This class is an EdgeIterator for Immutables. |
LMCEDigraph | This class implements the CEDigraph interface using a Matrix and an array to speed up some indexed operations. |
LMGEDigraph | This class implements the GEDigraph interface using an ArrayList and a boolean matrix and keeps an additional int[][] that shows what nodes can be reached from what other nodes. |
MatrixCEDigraph | This class implements the CEDigraph interface using a Matrix. |
MatrixGEDigraph | This class implements the GEDigraph interface using an ArrayList and a boolean matrix. |
MatrixUEDigraph | This class implements the UEDigraph interface using a List and a Grid. |
MutableHashCEDigraph | |
MutableHashGEDigraph | |
MutableHashUEDigraph | |
MutableLMCEDigraph | |
MutableLMGEDigraph | This class implements the GEDigraph interface using an ArrayList and a boolean matrix and keeps an additional int[][] that shows what nodes can be reached from what other nodes. |
MutableMatrixCEDigraph | |
MutableMatrixGEDigraph | A MutableGEDigraph backed by an ArrayList of nodes and a boolean[][] matrix of edges. |
MutableMatrixUEDigraph | |
UEDigraphAlgebra | Algebra for UEDigraph Operations. |
Exception Summary | |
DigraphException | |
EdgeMissingException | |
EdgeNotUniqueException | |
NodeMissingException |
This package contains a kit for working with directed graphs. It follows the same patterns as in net.walend.collection.
The main interfaces are UEDigraph, a directed graph that's edges must be unique; CEDigraph, a digraph that's edgess are objects, but are not neccessarily unique in the digraph; and GEDigraph, a digraph that's edges are not objects, but mearly a relation between nodes. Each of these is a subinterface of Digraph, which defines some methods common accross all three interpretations.
Each digraph interface has a companion mutable digraph interface that perscribes methods for changing the digraph's state. (A MutableDigraph superinterface did not prove to be useful.)
Digraphs that have no mutator methods and are final should implement the net.walend.collection.Immutable interface.
All nodes in a digraph must be unique. In UIDigraphs, edges must also be unique.
The package also includes a small hierarchy of exceptions to provide reasonable responses to corner cases.
This package currently contains both HashMap-based and and List-and-Grid-based implementations of UEDigraph, CEDigraph and GEDigraph. The hash-based approach is fine for digraphs where the number of edges varies with the number of nodes. However, digraphs with many edges may perform better with the grid-backed version.