Interface MutableDigraphOfGEPaths

All Superinterfaces:
CEDigraph, Digraph, DigraphOfGEPaths, HasState, IndexedCEDigraph, IndexedDigraph

public interface MutableDigraphOfGEPaths
extends DigraphOfGEPaths

This class contains mutator methods for a DigraphOfCEPaths.

David Walend

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.CEDigraph
Method Summary
 GEPath addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode, GEPath edge)
          If no existing edge is displaced by edge.
 void clearEdges()
          Remove all the edges from the CEDigraph.
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.path.DigraphOfGEPaths
getBase, getPath, getPath, valid
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.IndexedCEDigraph
containsEdge, getEdge, getInboundEdges, getOutboundEdges, indexedEdgeIterator
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.IndexedDigraph
containsEdge, containsNode, countInboundEdges, countOutboundEdges, getFromIndices, getFromNodes, getNode, getNodeIndex, getToIndices, getToNodes, indexedEdgeNodeIterator, indexedNodeIterator, nodeCapacity, nodeIndices
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.Digraph
containsEdge, containsNode, containsNodes, countInboundEdges, countOutboundEdges, edgeCount, edgeNodeIterator, getFromNodes, getNodes, getToNodes, isEdgeFree, isEmpty, nodeCount, nodeIterator
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.collection.HasState
getPrincipleInterface, sameStateAs
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.CEDigraph
containsCEDigraph, containsEdge, edgeIterator, getEdge, getEdges, getInboundEdges, getOutboundEdges, intersectWithCEDigraph, sameCEDigraphAs, unionCEDigraph

Method Detail


public GEPath addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode,
                      java.lang.Object toNode,
                      GEPath edge)
               throws NodeMissingException,
If no existing edge is displaced by edge. Otherwise, return the path that is displaced.

NodeMissingException - if either node is not in the digraph.


public void clearEdges()
Remove all the edges from the CEDigraph.

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend