Interface ShortestCEPaths

All Superinterfaces:
CEDigraph, Digraph, DigraphOfCEPaths, HasState, IndexedCEDigraph, IndexedDigraph, ShortestCEDistances
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractShortestCEPaths, CEBellmanFordTest, CEPathsFromShortestDistances, DijkstraShortestCEPaths, FloydWarshallShortestCEPaths, JITShortestCEPaths, JohnsonShortestCEPaths

public interface ShortestCEPaths
extends DigraphOfCEPaths, ShortestCEDistances

This interface is a DigraphOfCEPaths that contains the shortest paths in available in the base digraph as measured by a PathMeter.

Implementations should not have mutator methods except recalculate(). Implementations should not be Immutable unless both the base digraph and the pathMeter are immutable.

Constructors should have a base digraph, an appropriate PathMeter, and perhaps an underlying MutableCEDigraph. Constructors may throw a NegativeWeightCycleException.

David Walend

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.CEDigraph
Method Summary
 MeasuredCEPath getShortestPath(int from, int to)
 MeasuredCEPath getShortestPath(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
 boolean validLengths()
          Checks to make sure all the two node paths have lengths equal to or less than the lengths predicted by the path meter.
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.path.DigraphOfCEPaths
getBase, getPath, getPath, valid
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.IndexedCEDigraph
containsEdge, getEdge, getInboundEdges, getOutboundEdges, indexedEdgeIterator
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.IndexedDigraph
containsEdge, containsNode, countInboundEdges, countOutboundEdges, getFromIndices, getFromNodes, getNode, getNodeIndex, getToIndices, getToNodes, indexedEdgeNodeIterator, indexedNodeIterator, nodeCapacity, nodeIndices
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.Digraph
containsEdge, containsNode, containsNodes, countInboundEdges, countOutboundEdges, edgeCount, edgeNodeIterator, getFromNodes, getNodes, getToNodes, isEdgeFree, isEmpty, nodeCount, nodeIterator
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.collection.HasState
getPrincipleInterface, sameStateAs
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.CEDigraph
containsCEDigraph, containsEdge, edgeIterator, getEdge, getEdges, getInboundEdges, getOutboundEdges, intersectWithCEDigraph, sameCEDigraphAs, unionCEDigraph
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.measured.ShortestCEDistances
getBase, getLength, getLength, getPathMeter, recalculate

Method Detail


public boolean validLengths()
Checks to make sure all the two node paths have lengths equal to or less than the lengths predicted by the path meter. If a length is less than the path meter's prediction, makes sure that the path has more than two nodes.


public MeasuredCEPath getShortestPath(java.lang.Object fromNode,
                                      java.lang.Object toNode)
                               throws NodeMissingException


public MeasuredCEPath getShortestPath(int from,
                                      int to)

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend