Class AbstractHashGEDigraph

All Implemented Interfaces:
Digraph, GEDigraph, HasState,
Direct Known Subclasses:
HashGEDigraph, MutableHashGEDigraph

public abstract class AbstractHashGEDigraph
extends java.lang.Object
implements GEDigraph,

This abstract class implements the GEDigraph interface using two HashSets. It's great for sparse graphs. Subclass it as is for an immutable GEDigraph. Mix in the MutableGEDigraph interface for one you can change.

David Walend
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected  class AbstractHashGEDigraph.HashEdgeIterator
 class AbstractHashGEDigraph.NodeIterator
protected  class AbstractHashGEDigraph.NodePair
Field Summary
private  java.util.Set edges
private  java.util.Set nodes
Fields inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.GEDigraph
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)
protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(int nodeCapacity, int edgeCapacity)
protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(UEDigraph digraph)
Method Summary
protected  boolean addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when this edge is added, false if the digraph is unchanged.
protected  boolean addNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return true if the node is added successfully, false if the digraph does not change.
protected  boolean addNodes(java.util.Set nodesToAdd)
          Return true if adding the nodes changes the digraph.
protected  void clear()
protected  void clearEdges()
 boolean containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode
 boolean containsGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
          Returns true if digraph is a subgraph of this GEDigraph.
 boolean containsNode(java.lang.Object node)
 boolean containsNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
 int countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
 int edgeCount()
 EdgeNodeIterator edgeNodeIterator()
          Returns an iterator that iterates across pairs of nodes that make edges.
 java.util.Set getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.
 java.util.Set getNodes()
 java.lang.Class getPrincipleInterface()
          Returns the class's principle interface for state comparisons.
 java.util.Set getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.
 GEDigraph intersectWithGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
          Returns a new digraph that is the intersection of this with digraph.
 boolean isEdgeFree()
          Returns true if this GEDigraph has no edges.
 boolean isEmpty()
 int nodeCount()
 java.util.Iterator nodeIterator()
          Implementations should explicitly state how they interpret nodeIterator()'s remove method.
protected  boolean removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          Return true if the digraph changes when the edge is removed, false if the digraph didn't have an edge between these two nodes.
private  boolean removeEdges(GEDigraph digraph)
protected  int removeGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
          Return the number of edges orphaned when digraph is removed
protected  int removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the number of orphaned edges that were lost when this node is removed.
protected  int removeNodes(java.util.Set nodesToRemove)
          Return the number of edges orphaned edges when these nodes are removed.
protected  int retainNodes(java.util.Set retainedNodes)
          Return the number of orphaned edges when the nodes are removed.
 boolean sameGEDigraphAs(GEDigraph digraph)
          Returns true if digraph is the same as this, and all their contents have the same state.
 boolean sameStateAs(HasState victim)
          If two HasStates have the same internal state, return true.
 java.lang.String toString()
 GEDigraph unionGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
          Returns a new digraph that is the union of this with digraph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.util.Set nodes


private java.util.Set edges
Constructor Detail


protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(int nodeCapacity,
                                int edgeCapacity)


protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)


protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)


protected AbstractHashGEDigraph(UEDigraph digraph)
Method Detail


public int nodeCount()
Specified by:
nodeCount in interface Digraph


public int edgeCount()
Specified by:
edgeCount in interface Digraph


public boolean isEmpty()
Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Digraph


public boolean containsNode(java.lang.Object node)
Specified by:
containsNode in interface Digraph


public boolean containsEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode,
                            java.lang.Object toNode)
                     throws NodeMissingException
Description copied from interface: Digraph
Returns true if the digraph contains any edge from fromNode to toNode

Specified by:
containsEdge in interface Digraph
NodeMissingException - if either node is missing from the digraph.


public int countInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
                      throws NodeMissingException
Inefficient. Iterates through all the edges' toNodes. This method could iterate over just the nodes, but would involve creating lots of NodePairs as trial keys. Since the digraph should be sparse anyway, iterating through the edges should be faster.

Specified by:
countInboundEdges in interface Digraph
NodeMissingException - if node is not in the digraph.


public int countOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
                       throws NodeMissingException
Inefficient. Iterates through all the edges' fromNodes.

Specified by:
countOutboundEdges in interface Digraph
NodeMissingException - if node is not in the digraph.


public java.util.Set getFromNodes(java.lang.Object node)
                           throws NodeMissingException
Returns the set of nodes that can reach this node by crossing one edge.

Inefficient. Iterates through all the edges.

Specified by:
getFromNodes in interface Digraph
NodeMissingException - if node is not in the digraph.


public java.util.Set getToNodes(java.lang.Object node)
                         throws NodeMissingException
Returns the set of nodes that can be reached from this node by crossing one edge.

Inefficient. Iterates through all the edges.

Specified by:
getToNodes in interface Digraph
NodeMissingException - if node is not in the digraph.


public java.util.Iterator nodeIterator()
Description copied from interface: Digraph
Implementations should explicitly state how they interpret nodeIterator()'s remove method. It should either throw an UnsupportedOperationException or cause a hidden side effects of removing edges.

Specified by:
nodeIterator in interface Digraph


public EdgeNodeIterator edgeNodeIterator()
Returns an iterator that iterates across pairs of nodes that make edges.

Specified by:
edgeNodeIterator in interface Digraph


public java.util.Set getNodes()
Specified by:
getNodes in interface Digraph


public boolean isEdgeFree()
Returns true if this GEDigraph has no edges.

Specified by:
isEdgeFree in interface Digraph


public boolean containsNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
Specified by:
containsNodes in interface Digraph


public boolean containsGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
Returns true if digraph is a subgraph of this GEDigraph.

Specified by:
containsGEDigraph in interface GEDigraph


public boolean sameGEDigraphAs(GEDigraph digraph)
Returns true if digraph is the same as this, and all their contents have the same state.

Specified by:
sameGEDigraphAs in interface GEDigraph


public GEDigraph intersectWithGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
Returns a new digraph that is the intersection of this with digraph. Implementations should generally return the same implementation of GEDigraph as they have themselves.

Specified by:
intersectWithGEDigraph in interface GEDigraph


public GEDigraph unionGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
Returns a new digraph that is the union of this with digraph. Implementations should generally return the same implementation of GEDigraph as they are themselves. If the digraphs contain conflicting edges, then (unless you have a better rule) let digraph's edge win out.

Specified by:
unionGEDigraph in interface GEDigraph


public java.lang.Class getPrincipleInterface()
Description copied from interface: HasState
Returns the class's principle interface for state comparisons. If two objects have different principle interfaces, they never have the same state.

Specified by:
getPrincipleInterface in interface HasState


public boolean sameStateAs(HasState victim)
Description copied from interface: HasState
If two HasStates have the same internal state, return true.

For objects with subobjects, Generally this method should only return true if the internal objects are equal. Implement a contentsHaveSameState() method to determine if the contents have the same state.

Specified by:
sameStateAs in interface HasState


protected boolean addNode(java.lang.Object node)
Return true if the node is added successfully, false if the digraph does not change.


protected boolean addEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode,
                          java.lang.Object toNode)
                   throws NodeMissingException
Return true if the digraph changes when this edge is added, false if the digraph is unchanged.

NodeMissingException - if either node is not in the digraph.


protected int removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
                  throws NodeMissingException
Return the number of orphaned edges that were lost when this node is removed.

NodeMissingException - if the node is not in the digraph


protected boolean removeEdge(java.lang.Object fromNode,
                             java.lang.Object toNode)
                      throws NodeMissingException
Return true if the digraph changes when the edge is removed, false if the digraph didn't have an edge between these two nodes.

NodeMissingException - if either node is not in the digraph


protected boolean addNodes(java.util.Set nodesToAdd)
Return true if adding the nodes changes the digraph.


protected int removeNodes(java.util.Set nodesToRemove)
Return the number of edges orphaned edges when these nodes are removed.


private boolean removeEdges(GEDigraph digraph)


protected int removeGEDigraph(GEDigraph digraph)
Return the number of edges orphaned when digraph is removed


protected int retainNodes(java.util.Set retainedNodes)
Return the number of orphaned edges when the nodes are removed.


protected void clear()


protected void clearEdges()


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend