Package net.walend.measured

This package contains a kit for working with measured paths on directed graphs.


Interface Summary
CEPathMeter PathMeters measure the cost to enter and leave nodes and cross edges.
GEPathMeter PathMeters measure the cost to enter and leave nodes and cross edges.
PathMeter Deprecated. Use CEPathMeter.
ShortestCEDistances This interface describes methods to find the shortest distances on a CE digraph.
ShortestCEPaths This interface is a DigraphOfCEPaths that contains the shortest paths in available in the base digraph as measured by a PathMeter.
ShortestGEDistances This interface describes methods to find the shortest distances on a GE digraph.
ShortestGEPaths This interface is a DigraphOfGEPaths that contains the shortest paths in available in the base digraph as measured by a PathMeter.
TieBreaker TieBreakers break ties when finding paths within CEPathsFromShortestDistances and GEPathsFromShortestDistances.

Class Summary
AbstractShortestCEDistances AbstractShortestCEDistances contains a 2D array of distances between nodes in a directed graph.
AbstractShortestCEPaths AbstractShortestCEPaths is a CEDigraph containing the nodes from the base digraph and edges that are the shortest paths between some pairs of nodes.
AbstractShortestGEDistances AbstractShortestGEDistances contains a 2D array of distances between nodes in a directed graph.
AbstractShortestGEPaths AbstractShortestGEPaths is a CEDigraph containing the nodes from the base digraph and edges that are the shortest paths between some pairs of nodes.
BellmanFordTest Deprecated. Use CEBellmanFordTest
CEBellmanFordTest Performs the Bellman-Ford test for a given digraph and pathmeter.
CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph This is simply a wrapper of a CEDigraph that has a BFNode and BFEdges from that node to all nodes.
CEBellmanFordTest.BFEdge A marker object used in the bellman-ford algorithm.
CEBellmanFordTest.BFNode A marker object used in the bellman-ford algorithm.
CEBellmanFordTest.BFPathMeter A special path meter for the Bellman Ford algorithm that wraps another path meter.
CEPathsFromShortestDistances CEPathsFromShortestDistances wraps a ShortestCEDistances object to provide a full ShortestCEPaths interface.
CEPathTraverser PathTraverser traverses a Path with an iterator and measures its length using a PathMeter.
DijkstraShortestCEDistances DijkstraShortestCEDistances is an abstract class that holds Dijkstra's algorithm.
DijkstraShortestCEPaths DijkstraShortestCEPaths is an abstract class that contains Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths, plus supporting code for solutions with nodes must go inside a hash table.
DijkstraShortestGEDistances DijkstraShortestGEDistances is an abstract class that holds Dijkstra's algorithm.
DijkstraShortestGEPaths DijkstraShortestGEPaths is an abstract class that contains Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths, plus supporting code for solutions with nodes must go inside a hash table.
FloydWarshallShortestCEDistances FloydWarshallShortestCEDistances uses the very simple Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the shortest distances.
FloydWarshallShortestCEPaths FloydWarshallShortestCEPaths uses the very simple Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the shortest paths.
FloydWarshallShortestGEDistances FloydWarshallShortestGEDistances uses the very simple Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the shortest distances.
FloydWarshallShortestGEPaths FloydWarshallShortestGEPaths uses the very simple Floyd-Warshall algorithm to find the shortest paths.
GEBellmanFordTest Performs the Bellman-Ford test for a given digraph and pathmeter.
GEBellmanFordTest.BFGEDigraph This is simply a wrapper of a GEDigraph that has a BFNode and BFEdges from that node to all nodes.
GEBellmanFordTest.BFNode A marker object used in the bellman-ford algorithm.
GEBellmanFordTest.BFPathMeter A special path meter for the Bellman Ford algorithm that wraps another path meter.
GEPathTraverser PathTraverser traverses a GEPath with an iterator and measures its length using a PathMeter.
JITShortestCEDistances JITShortestCEDistances is an implementation of ShortestCEDistances that uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest distances just in time.
JITShortestCEPaths JITShortestCEPaths is an implementation of ShortestCEPaths that uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest paths just in time.
JITShortestGEDistances JITShortestGEDistances is an implementation of ShortestGEDistances that uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest distances just in time.
JITShortestGEPaths JITShortestGEPaths is an implementation of ShortestGEPaths that uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest paths just in time.
JohnsonShortestCEDistances JohnsonShortestCEDistances uses Johnson's algorithm to find the shortest distances during construction.
JohnsonShortestCEPaths JohnsonShortestCEPaths uses Johnson's algorithm to find the shortest paths during construction.
JohnsonShortestGEDistances JohnsonShortestGEDistances uses Johnson's algorithm to find the shortest distances during construction.
JohnsonShortestGEPaths JohnsonShortestGEPaths uses Johnson's algorithm to find the shortest paths during construction.
PathTraverser Deprecated. Use CEPathTraverser
SimpleCEPathMeter This simple path meter returns 1 for the cost to cross an edge and 0 for everything else.
SimpleGEPathMeter This simple path meter returns 1 for the cost to cross an edge and 0 for everything else.
SimplePathMeter Deprecated. Use SimpleCEPathMeter.

Exception Summary
CENegativeWeightCycleException An exception thrown by the Bellman-Ford test.
GENegativeWeightCycleException An exception thrown by the Bellman-Ford test.
NegativeWeightCycleException An exception thrown by the Bellman-Ford test.

Package net.walend.measured Description

This package contains a kit for working with measured paths on directed graphs.

The main interface, PathMeter, measures the cost to travers from one node accross and edge to another node.

PathTraverser actually measures the whole path.

The MeasuredCEPath interface includes a method to get the lenght of the path.

MeasuredCEPaths defines an interface for CEDigraphs where nodes are the same nodes as in another CEDigraph, and edges are measured paths between those edges.

Floyd-WarshallShortestPaths uses the Floyd-Warshall algorithm in its constructor to compute the shortest paths. It is O(n^3) on IndexedCEDigraphs.

JohnsonShortestPaths uses Johnson's algorithm to compute the shortest paths. It should be O(n^2 ln(n) + ne) on LMCEDigraphs.

DijkstraShortestPaths uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute only the shrotest paths from a given node to all other nodes. It should be O(n ln(n) + e) on LMCEDigraphs.

The constructors do throw NegativeWeightCycleExceptions if the results contain a negative weight cycle.

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend