Interface CEPath

All Superinterfaces:
CEDigraph, Digraph, HasState, Path
All Known Subinterfaces:
MeasuredCEPath, MutableCEPath
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath, AbstractListCEPath, AbstractShortestCEPaths.DigraphMeasuredCEPath, CEPathsFromShortestDistances.DigraphMeasuredCEPath, MutableListCEPath

public interface CEPath
extends CEDigraph, Path

CEPath is an interface for represtenting paths through CEDigraph. A CEPath is expressly a subgraph of a specific CEDigraph. If two CEPaths contain the same nodes and edges in the same order, but are subgraphs of different CEDigraphs, they have different states but are the sameCEDigraphAS().

All CEPaths except the EMPTY path must have at least one node.

By default, this digraph uses equals() as the method to determine identity. Persistent versions may use hasSameIdentity() instead, for example.

Direct implementations of CEDigraph should have a single constructor that takes another CEPath in the constructor, and produce an Immutable CEPath.

David Walend

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.CEDigraph
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getEdgeAtIndex(int index)
 java.util.List getEdgeList()
          Returns an immutable list of the edges.
 int getIndexOfEdge(java.lang.Object edge)
 int getLastIndexOfEdge(java.lang.Object edge)
 CEPath getSubpath(int startNodeIndex, int endNodeIndex)
          Returns a new path, between startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex, inclusive.
 CEPath getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEPath getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode, java.lang.Object endNode)
          Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.
 CEDigraph getSupergraph()
          Returns the supergraph.
 EdgeIterator pathEdgeIterator()
          Implementations should explicitly state how they interpret nodeIterator()'s remove method.
 boolean sameCEPathAs(CEPath path)
          Returns true if path is the same path as this, on the same digraph.
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.CEDigraph
containsCEDigraph, containsEdge, edgeIterator, getEdge, getEdges, getInboundEdges, getOutboundEdges, intersectWithCEDigraph, sameCEDigraphAs, unionCEDigraph
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.Digraph
containsEdge, containsNode, containsNodes, countInboundEdges, countOutboundEdges, edgeCount, edgeNodeIterator, getFromNodes, getNodes, getToNodes, isEdgeFree, isEmpty, nodeCount, nodeIterator
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.collection.HasState
getPrincipleInterface, sameStateAs
Methods inherited from interface net.walend.digraph.path.Path
getHead, getIndexOfNode, getLastIndexOfNode, getNodeAtIndex, getNodeList, getTail, pathEdgeCount, pathEdgeNodeIterator, pathNodeCount, pathNodeIterator, valid

Method Detail


public CEDigraph getSupergraph()
Returns the supergraph.


public int getIndexOfEdge(java.lang.Object edge)


public int getLastIndexOfEdge(java.lang.Object edge)


public java.lang.Object getEdgeAtIndex(int index)


public java.util.List getEdgeList()
Returns an immutable list of the edges.


public CEPath getSubpath(int startNodeIndex,
                         int endNodeIndex)
                  throws InvalidSpliceException
Returns a new path, between startNodeIndex and endNodeIndex, inclusive.



public CEPath getSubpathFirst(java.lang.Object startNode,
                              java.lang.Object endNode)
                       throws NodeMissingException,
Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.

NodeMissingException - if the nodes are not in the path.
InvalidSpliceException - if the nodes are not in the right order.


public CEPath getSubpathLast(java.lang.Object startNode,
                             java.lang.Object endNode)
                      throws NodeMissingException,
Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.

NodeMissingException - if the nodes are not in the path.
InvalidSpliceException - if the nodes are not in the right order.


public CEPath getSubpathFirstToLast(java.lang.Object startNode,
                                    java.lang.Object endNode)
                             throws NodeMissingException,
Returns a new path, between the first occurence of startNode and the last occurence of endNode, inclusive.

NodeMissingException - if the nodes are not in the path.
InvalidSpliceException - if the nodes are not in the right order.


public CEPath getSubpathLastToFirst(java.lang.Object startNode,
                                    java.lang.Object endNode)
                             throws NodeMissingException,
Returns a new path, between the last occurence of startNode and the first occurence of endNode, inclusive.

NodeMissingException - if the nodes are not in the path.
InvalidSpliceException - if the nodes are not in the right order.


public EdgeIterator pathEdgeIterator()
Implementations should explicitly state how they interpret nodeIterator()'s remove method. It should either throw an UnsupportedOperationException or cause a hidden side effect of removing edges. I'm not sure what those side effects should be.

The Iterator should start at the beginning of the path and iterate to the end.


public boolean sameCEPathAs(CEPath path)
Returns true if path is the same path as this, on the same digraph. So if two paths are on different supergraphs, they may be the same digraph, but not the same path.

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend