Class GEBellmanFordTest.BFPathMeter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

private static final class GEBellmanFordTest.BFPathMeter
extends java.lang.Object
implements GEPathMeter

A special path meter for the Bellman Ford algorithm that wraps another path meter.

Field Summary
private  GEPathMeter wrapped
Constructor Summary
protected GEBellmanFordTest.BFPathMeter(GEPathMeter wrapped)
Method Summary
 double costToCross(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          The cost to cross an edge.
 int intCostToCross(java.lang.Object fromNode, java.lang.Object toNode)
          The cost to cross an edge.
 boolean negativeWeightEdges()
          Returns true if this PathMeter can return negative weight edges, false if not.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private GEPathMeter wrapped
Constructor Detail


protected GEBellmanFordTest.BFPathMeter(GEPathMeter wrapped)
Method Detail


public double costToCross(java.lang.Object fromNode,
                          java.lang.Object toNode)
The cost to cross an edge.

Specified by:
costToCross in interface GEPathMeter


public int intCostToCross(java.lang.Object fromNode,
                          java.lang.Object toNode)
The cost to cross an edge.

Specified by:
intCostToCross in interface GEPathMeter


public boolean negativeWeightEdges()
Returns true if this PathMeter can return negative weight edges, false if not. Shortest path algorithms use this method to trigger the bellman-ford algorithm to detect negative weight cycles. If you're not sure, return true.

Specified by:
negativeWeightEdges in interface GEPathMeter

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend