Class CEDigraphAlgebra


public class CEDigraphAlgebra
extends java.lang.Object

Algebra for CEDigraph Operations.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean containsCEDigraph(CEDigraph outer, CEDigraph inner)
          Returns true if inner is a subgraph of outer.
static void intersectCEDigraphs(CEDigraph dg1, CEDigraph dg2, MutableCEDigraph intersection)
          Returns a CEDigraph containing the intersection of dg1 and dg2.
static boolean sameCEDigraphs(CEDigraph dg1, CEDigraph dg2)
          Returns true if digraph is the same as this, and all their contents have the same state.
static java.lang.String toString(CEDigraph digraph)
static void unionCEDigraphs(CEDigraph dg1, CEDigraph dg2, MutableCEDigraph union)
          Returns a CEDigraph containing the intersection of dg1 and dg2.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CEDigraphAlgebra()
Method Detail


public static boolean containsCEDigraph(CEDigraph outer,
                                        CEDigraph inner)
Returns true if inner is a subgraph of outer.


public static boolean sameCEDigraphs(CEDigraph dg1,
                                     CEDigraph dg2)
Returns true if digraph is the same as this, and all their contents have the same state.


public static void intersectCEDigraphs(CEDigraph dg1,
                                       CEDigraph dg2,
                                       MutableCEDigraph intersection)
Returns a CEDigraph containing the intersection of dg1 and dg2.

intersection - should be an empty mutable digraph. If it isn't, this method clears it.


public static void unionCEDigraphs(CEDigraph dg1,
                                   CEDigraph dg2,
                                   MutableCEDigraph union)
Returns a CEDigraph containing the intersection of dg1 and dg2. Edges in dg1 should win out.


public static java.lang.String toString(CEDigraph digraph)

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend