Uses of Interface

Packages that use Bag
net.walend.collection This package contains a few additions and utilities for the java.util collections kit. 
net.walend.digraph This package contains a kit for working with directed graphs. 
net.walend.digraph.path This package contains a kit for working with paths on directed graphs. 
net.walend.measured This package contains a kit for working with measured paths on directed graphs. 

Uses of Bag in net.walend.collection

Classes in net.walend.collection that implement Bag
 class ImmutableBag
          An implementation of the Bag interface that wraps another Bag and throws UnsupportedOperationExceptions in all the mutators.
 class MapBag
          An implementation of the Bag interface based on a Map.

Fields in net.walend.collection declared as Bag
private  Bag MapBag.BagIterator.bag
static Bag Bag.EMPTY
private  Bag ImmutableBag.wrappedBag

Methods in net.walend.collection with parameters of type Bag
 boolean MapBag.sameContentsAs(Bag bag)
          Returns true if this contains the same numbers of the same objects as bag.
 boolean Bag.sameContentsAs(Bag bag)
          Returns true if this contains the same numbers of the same objects as bag.
 boolean ImmutableBag.sameContentsAs(Bag bag)
          Returns true if this contains the same numbers of the same objects as bag.

Constructors in net.walend.collection with parameters of type Bag
ImmutableBag(Bag bag)

Uses of Bag in net.walend.collection.test

Methods in net.walend.collection.test that return Bag
protected  Bag ImmutableBagTest.createEmptyBag()
protected  Bag ImmutableBagTest.createTestBag()
protected abstract  Bag BagTest.createEmptyBag()
protected abstract  Bag BagTest.createTestBag()
protected  Bag MapBagTest.createEmptyBag()
protected  Bag MapBagTest.createTestBag()

Methods in net.walend.collection.test with parameters of type Bag
protected  void BagTest.fillTestBag(Bag bag)
 void BagTest.testCountObjects(Bag bag, java.lang.Object ob, int expected)
 void BagTest.testSameContentsAs(Bag bag, Bag otherBag, boolean expected)
 void BagTest.testSameContentsAs(Bag bag, Bag otherBag, boolean expected)
 void BagTest.testIterator(Bag bag)

Uses of Bag in net.walend.digraph

Methods in net.walend.digraph that return Bag
 Bag MutableCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the Bag of orphaned edges that are removed with node
 Bag MutableCEDigraph.removeNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
          Return the Bag of edges orphaned edges when these nodes are removed.
 Bag MutableCEDigraph.removeCEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)
          Return a Bag of edges orphaned when digraph is removed
 Bag MutableCEDigraph.retainNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
          Return a Bag of orphaned edges when the nodes are removed.
 Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getEdges()
 Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(int toIndex)
 Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(int fromIndex)
protected  Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.removeNode(int index)
protected  Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the Set of orphaned edges that are removed with node
protected  Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.removeNodes(java.util.Set nodesToRemove)
private  Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.removeEdges(CEDigraph digraph)
protected  Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.removeCEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)
protected  Bag AbstractMatrixCEDigraph.retainNodes(java.util.Set retainedNodes)
 Bag IndexedMutableCEDigraph.removeNode(int index)
 Bag MutableLMCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 Bag MutableLMCEDigraph.removeNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
 Bag MutableLMCEDigraph.removeCEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)
 Bag MutableLMCEDigraph.retainNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
 Bag MutableLMCEDigraph.removeNode(int index)
 Bag AbstractLMCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(int toIndex)
protected  Bag AbstractLMCEDigraph.removeNode(int index)
 Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.getEdges()
protected  Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
          Return the Bag of orphaned edges that are removed with node
protected  Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.removeNodes(java.util.Set nodesToRemove)
private  Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.removeEdges(CEDigraph digraph)
protected  Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.removeCEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)
protected  Bag AbstractHashCEDigraph.retainNodes(java.util.Set retainedNodes)
 Bag CEDigraph.getEdges()
 Bag CEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag CEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 Bag IndexedCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(int index)
 Bag IndexedCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(int index)
 Bag MutableMatrixCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 Bag MutableMatrixCEDigraph.removeNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
 Bag MutableMatrixCEDigraph.removeCEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)
 Bag MutableMatrixCEDigraph.retainNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
 Bag MutableMatrixCEDigraph.removeNode(int index)
 Bag MutableHashCEDigraph.removeNode(java.lang.Object node)
 Bag MutableHashCEDigraph.removeNodes(java.util.Set nodes)
 Bag MutableHashCEDigraph.removeCEDigraph(CEDigraph digraph)
 Bag MutableHashCEDigraph.retainNodes(java.util.Set nodes)

Uses of Bag in net.walend.digraph.path

Methods in net.walend.digraph.path that return Bag
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getInboundEdges(int index)
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getOutboundEdges(int index)
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.getEdges()
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getEdges()
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfCEPaths.DigraphCEPath.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getInboundEdges(int index)
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getOutboundEdges(int index)
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 Bag AbstractDelegateDigraphOfGEPaths.getEdges()
 Bag AbstractListCEPath.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 Bag AbstractListCEPath.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          This implementation takes linear time.
 Bag AbstractListCEPath.getEdges()

Uses of Bag in net.walend.digraph.test

Fields in net.walend.digraph.test declared as Bag
static Bag TestCEDigraphFactory.EDGES

Methods in net.walend.digraph.test with parameters of type Bag
protected  void CEDigraphTest.testGetInboundEdges(CEDigraph digraph, java.lang.Object node, Bag expected, boolean expectException)
protected  void CEDigraphTest.testGetOutboundEdges(CEDigraph digraph, java.lang.Object node, Bag expected, boolean expectException)
protected  void CEDigraphTest.testGetEdges(CEDigraph digraph, Bag expected)

Uses of Bag in net.walend.measured

Methods in net.walend.measured that return Bag
 Bag CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getEdges()
 Bag CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no inbound edges.
 Bag CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(java.lang.Object node)
          Returns the empty set if node has no outbound edges.
 Bag CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getInboundEdges(int index)
 Bag CEBellmanFordTest.BFCEDigraph.getOutboundEdges(int index)

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend