Uses of Interface

Packages that use IntHeap
net.walend.collection This package contains a few additions and utilities for the java.util collections kit. 

Uses of IntHeap in net.walend.collection

Classes in net.walend.collection that implement IntHeap
 class FibIntHeap
          FibIntHeap is an IntHeap built on top of a Fibinocci heap.

Methods in net.walend.collection with parameters of type IntHeap
private  void IntHeapMember.validateHeap(IntHeap heap)
 void IntHeapMember.setKey(int key, IntHeap heap)
 void IntHeapMember.remove(IntHeap heap)
 void node, IntHeap heap)
 void IntHeapMember.addChild(IntHeapMember childNode, IntHeap heap)
 void IntHeapMember.removeChild(IntHeapMember childNode, IntHeap heap)
 IntHeapMember IntHeapMember.getParent(IntHeap heap)
 IntHeapMember IntHeapMember.getLeft(IntHeap heap)
 IntHeapMember IntHeapMember.getRight(IntHeap heap)
 IntHeapMember IntHeapMember.getChild(IntHeap heap)
 int IntHeapMember.getChildCount(IntHeap heap)
 boolean IntHeapMember.lostChild(IntHeap heap)
 void IntHeapMember.setLostChild(boolean lostChild, IntHeap heap)

Uses of IntHeap in net.walend.collection.test

Methods in net.walend.collection.test that return IntHeap
protected  IntHeap FibIntHeapTest.createEmptyIntHeap()
protected  IntHeap FibIntHeapTest.createTestIntHeap()
protected abstract  IntHeap IntHeapTest.createEmptyIntHeap()
protected abstract  IntHeap IntHeapTest.createTestIntHeap()

Methods in net.walend.collection.test with parameters of type IntHeap
protected  void IntHeapTest.fillTestIntHeap(IntHeap intHeap)
 void IntHeapTest.testSize(IntHeap co, int expected)
 void IntHeapTest.testIsEmpty(IntHeap co, boolean expected)
protected  void IntHeapTest.testGetMin(IntHeap intHeap, java.lang.Object expected, boolean exception)
protected  void IntHeapTest.testGetMinKey(IntHeap intHeap, int expected, boolean exception)
protected  void IntHeapTest.testTakeMin(IntHeap intHeap, java.lang.Object expected, boolean exception)
protected  void IntHeapTest.testChangeKeyTo(IntHeap intHeap, java.lang.Object arg, int key, boolean exception)
protected  void IntHeapTest.testRemove(IntHeap intHeap, java.lang.Object arg, boolean expected)

Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, David Walend